Please use the Contact Us page if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Generally, patient appointments last 45 minutes however on occasion, we may advise a longer appointment time if a concern is particularly complex.
If comfortable and appropriate for your presenting problem, you may be treated in your underwear so the structure, function and movement of your body can be properly seen and assessed before being treated effectively. It is perfectly acceptable however for you to wear loose clothing (not jeans), shorts and vest or active wear if you feel more comfortable doing so.
The simple answer is, the more information you can give us the better informed we will be and the more it will help diagnose any underlying issues that could be causing your pain or discomfort. Any details you give us and all patient records will be confidential and stored compliantly and in line with Data Protection and GDPR guidelines. If you require an emergency appointment and your usual osteopath is on holiday or away from the business, your notes will be made available with your consent, to the osteopath treating you.
Yes, by all means if you are nervous or if it will help you feel more comfortable, you are free to bring one person with you. If you don't bring anyone with you but during the treatment you feel you would like someone else present e.g. for pelvic/groin related treatments for instance, we can arrange for another member of the team to come in and act as a chaperone or reschedule the appointment when you have someone who can attend with you.
If you are 18 or over, you do not need to bring anyone else to your appointment with you, however you may do so if this makes you feel more comfortable. If you are 17 years old or younger, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who must remain for the duration of your appointment.
Covid-19 and other seasonal flu/viruses can have a significant impact on people you come into close contact with. Please therefore do not attend the clinic if you have signs including a high temp/fever, persistent cough, change or loss to sense of smell or taste, or are suffering from any other cold/flu related symptoms.
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